Are you looking for the best Austin dental assisting school? You have found it with Star of Texas! Our program includes classroom/lecture learning, extensive chair-side training and the opportunity to complete your externship at 3 different locations in Austin, TX. Our dental assisting students are taught beyond the basics so that they are ready to start their careers after the 12-week program.

What are students at Star of Texas learning?

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and Onlays are lab-made restorations that are placed on teeth when the cavity or lost tooth structure is too large to be restored by a simple filling. The process of making an inlay is very similar to a crown. After the tooth is prepared, it is cemented or bonded to the tooth.

inlays and onlay in AustinThere are different materials that inlays are made of, including gold, porcelain, and composite resins. Porcelain and composite inlays and onlays are cosmetic alternatives to fillings and are very strong compared to regular white fillings. Gold inlays and onlays are also suitable alternatives, but their appearance makes them less popular.

Your dentist will explain when an inlay or onlay is a viable treatment option for you. In general, inlays and onlays can replace most back teeth fillings and are sometimes cosmetically preferred over conventional fillings. At the same time, they are more conservative than crowns.

As far as cost is concerned, because the process of making an inlay or onlay is similar to a crown, its cost is also comparable. But when considering the longevity of inlays and onlays, they can end up costing less than traditional fillings.

If you have any questions about inlays or onlays or want to know more about our dental assisting program, contact Star of Texas Dental Assisting School today!

(512) 487-1547