star of texas dental session 3 graduates

Looking to expand your career as a Dental Assistant even further? Here are a few ways in which you can accomplish this:

  1. Become a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA)
    Our school offers the opportunity to get hands on experience taught by experienced instructors. A dental assistant certification could help you perform more dental assisting functions, and give you professional recognition and career growth potential. Click here to learn how to earn CDA certification.
  2. Become a Certified Preventive Functions Dental Assistant (CPFDA)
    This is a new certification offered by DANB that covers coronal polish, sealants, topical fluoride, and topical anesthetic. In some states, these functions are considered expanded duties. If this sounds like a good match for you, visit to learn more.
  3. Become a Certified Orthodontic Assistant (COA)
    Many orthodontic assistants take the COA exam in order to gain benefits of certification in their profession. Some states, such as Maryland, Massachusetts and Oregon, provide a separate professional title for orthodontic assistants. In these states, DANB’s COA certification is recognized as meeting state requirements. Check your state’s requirements to find out more information. For more information about COA certification, go to

Source: The Dale Foundation


Are you looking to take the first steps to becoming a Dental Assistant? Star of Texas Dental Assisting School can help give you the education needed to excel in the field. We also help in preparing students to become a Registered Dental Assistant (RDA) in the state of Texas!

We are currently enrolling for our next session starting on September 24th! Contact one of our Admissions Representatives today at (512) 487-1547 or